Rick Brown
A highly experienced operations executive with demonstrated ability to lead diverse teams of professionals to new levels of success in a variety of highly competitive industries, cutting-edge markets, and fast-paced environments. He is responsible for starting and growing his restaurant development and management company from the ground up resulting in $5.6 million in revenue and 145 employees as a franchise partner with Tijuana Flats Burrito Company.
Strong technical and business qualifications with an impressive track record of more than 27 years of hands-on experience in strategic planning, business unit development, project and product management, and start-up strategies. Proven ability to successfully analyze an organization's critical business requirements, identify deficiencies and potential opportunities, and develop innovative and cost-effective solutions for enhancing competitiveness, increasing revenues, and improving customer service offerings.
Presented at Comdex on the Art of Delighting Customers with Unquestionable Service
Appeared as a featured guest on Fran TV discussing first-time franchising
Co-Chaired the Development Team that defined the globally recognized A+ Certification Test
A former Politician, Multiple Corporate and Charitable Board Member, Multiple Business Owner and now Co-Host of The American Adversaries Radio Show
Specialties: Development of Cross-Disciplinary, Culturally Independent, Success Oriented teams of talented Thinkers.
President and CEO, Rhythm & Blues Enterprises, LLC
Thursday Night Co-Host, The American Adversaries Radio Program
Treasurer, Central Florida British Car Club
Former CTO & BoardMember, Imediareach, LLC
Former Director: Americas Education Group - VERITAS Software
Former Director: World Wide Training and Consulting - Seagate Software
Past Chairman of the Board Member: Boystown Central Florida
Past Chairman of the Board Member: Leadership Seminole
Past Board Secretary: Seminole Behavioral Healthcare
Past Board Member: Canterbury Retreat and Conference Center
Life Member: the United States Naval War College Foundation
Past Deputy Mayor of the City of Winter Springs
Past Treasurer and Board Member: Honor Flight Central Florida
Past Board Member CompTIA